Who would know better than you that there is no second chance to make a first impression last? And as experienced designers, you realize that more often than not, it is the lounge that gives away the first glimpse of your expertise. Being the waiting area, the lounge has got to have an element of fascination around it, enthralling the audience and keeping them engrossed. As their eyes scan the surroundings and take in the ambience, what better colour to catch attention than the ravishing Red?
On the colour palette, Red is a hue with shades of its own. Love it, hate it, but you just cannot ignore it. Red adds a touch of glamour, and grandeur. It is versatile, vibrant and always in vogue. Few colours exhibit the kind of varied expressions that Red does. It can be attractive & aggressive and just as easily, can demonstrate elegance & ecstasy. A colour for all seasons and reasons to make it the chosen one…
So, when you are designing that all-important lounge, make sure it has the welcoming warmth of Red. And to get that ‘WOW’ effect, go in for Red coloured glass. Yes! Saint-Gobain Glass presents Planilaque, a range of premium high durability coloured & lacquered glass. It is manufactured using the high-end lacquer on glass process. It is opaque, ensures colour consistency and is heat & humidity resistant. An eco-friendly glass, it does not contain VOC, lead, copper, formaldehyde and arsenic. Its sophisticated finish makes it hygienic and hassle-free to maintain. It can also be easily and quickly installed.
SGG Planilaque, with its wide array of applications is the perfect choice for interior decoration & furnishing. Planilaque Flame Red, in particular, is an absolute made-for-the-lounge product! It can be used for interior wall panelling, decorative panels, cladding for cabinet & wardrobe doors, internal doors & sliding doors. If that’s not all, you can use it in showcases, furniture and washrooms as well.
To complement Flame Red, choose from the other classic colours of the Planilaque collection. Add the inimitable Ivory as a writing board and create a distinct sense of space. Or get some bold Black on the furniture to make a strong statement. However you mix and match, there’s one thing you can be sure of – Flame Red has what it takes to leave a truly lasting impression!
Explore more on SGG Planilaque